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Sacred music designed by a former teacher for current teachers and students looking for a powerful tool to enhance their practice.

From the e-Desk of Jay Kruse, Las Vegas, Nevada
Dear Friend,
Have you been looking for music that can actually enhance your yoga practice?
Are you tired of trying to use songs and sounds that either distract or simply float around with no direct impact?
Are you a teacher who is constantly searching for something that can focus and pace your entire group?
Are you ready for something that is designed specifically to help you by someone who knows exactly what you’re experiencing and working towards?
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Jay Kruse’s Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1 is only $32. Years in the making, this collection of audios waited until everything was in place - from the right melodies and the right mindset and the right technology - before emerging to fill a growing need in the Yoga Community. You could easily spend twice that online or in stores and still not find anything as unique and specifically tailored to the needs of today’s modern yoga class. In fact, Jay Kruse’s Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1 can give the professional instructor an edge in an increasingly competitive market by offering a more satisfying experience to students.
My name is Jay Kruse and I know from years of teaching how difficult it is to direct a group of people and really harness their collective energy. I also know from years of experience with Sacred Dance and Movements from various Sufi traditions just how potent the right music can be when performed in service towards the group.
In fact, it was my passion for Sacred Music that eventually pulled me away from a growing career as a yoga instructor and led me to further my understanding of rhythm, melody and movement. And, after all I have seen and heard, nothing compares to the power of a focussed group of people moving and working as One.
For years I have been working on combining ancient mystical music with modern technology to create music of true value and purpose. As I began to release works that literally put your brain into healthy, regenerative wave patterns I was bombarded with requests to produce something specifically designed to enhance the quality of a full-length yoga practice.
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Drawing on my experience, I have crafted a sonic journey that is not a half-hour... not forty-five minutes... not an hour... but an hour and a half of music on handmade flutes and percussion from the esoteric traditions of the world. That’s ninety straight minutes of sound that is not for entertainment, amusement or emotional reverie, but for driving you deeper into a state where your practice is heightened, supported and lifted to a new level.
My approach was to combine time signatures, intervals and melodic modes often neglected in the West with familiar rhythms and scales to address the many phases of a yoga session, including:
1.-OPENING: Going inside; working with the Sun Salutations to center and prepare the mind for the task at hand
2.-BODY AWARENESS: Using the standing, twisting and bending poses to anchor awareness in the body
3.-HEAT: Reinforcing the function of Vinyasa to generate heat in the body and connect the breath with the flow of movement
4.-BALANCE AND CORE STRENGTH: Supporting the inner work of balancing poses through non-distractive rhythmic accompaniment
5.-TRANSFORMATION: Using the expansion from the heat to further open the hips and spine during floorwork to encourage deep channel growth and cleansing
6.-INTEGRATION: Slowly bringing the pace down to a calming and nourishing state that supports the Body, Mind and Spirit in assimilating the work accomplished and allowing the benefits to seep deeper into your awareness while gently concluding the session
The challenge here was to balance the elements of trance and weave a soundscape that continuously guides you through the shifting dynamics of your practice. The use of repetition is offset by gradually moving in and out of various time signatures, creating space for dialogue between rare and exotic flutes, treating percussion more as a ‘wash’ and using polyphony to cast an introspective spell as you practice yoga. By the middle of the journey things heat up just enough to lock into the flow of Vinyasa and provide a backbone for one of the more difficult phases of a yoga session.
The transition from balancing to floorwork is accompanied by the delicate chimes of steel string harmonics and a hint of flute before settling in on a groove that is tailored to be active enough for linking postures without being overpowering. Finally, drift into a peaceful state of meditation and assimilation with a modern variation of traditional drones providing the backdrop for a duet of bamboo flutes.
Finally...a full-length audio accompaniment for your yoga practice!
Sacred Yoga Music, Vol. 1
Just imagine a ‘virtual soundtrack’ that literally follows the ‘ebb and flow’ of your practice - reinforcing the subtle changes in concentration as your session unfolds...
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Sacred Yoga Music!
Everyone wants to hone their practice. We all seek to better our conditioning and improve our health, but we also look to our ‘yoga time’ as an opportunity to let go of day-to-day concerns and focus on ourselves for a set amount of time.
Can you recall the last time you were truly immersed in your yoga? Free from all distractions and totally present to yourself?
Jay Kruse’s Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1 enhances your workout by adding a whole new dimension of sound, support and focus. The more you use this music as part of your yoga routine, the more you'll notice the outside world fade away...allowing you to sink deeper into an expanded awareness grounded in the Present...
“Jay’s new work is serious and purposeful music - it combines the ultra modern with the ancient to achieve the original spiritual and healing objective of music...well beyond the mere goal of entertainment. It is music like this that can help us deal with and transcend the tension of modern life to help us fulfill our destiny as perfect human beings in higher planes of existence.”
Hisham S.E.
Consulate, Washington D.C.
“I’ve been a player, composer and producer of World music for over 30 years and after listening to the recent new works of Jay Kruse, I am truly inspired. In addition, I am confident you will be moved by his artistry and skill at taking the listener on a truly worthy aural journey.”
Terrence Karn
Musician-Composer-Performer, Ohio
“Having played the Bansuri myself for several years, Jay Kruse is a constant inspiration for my music. Building on a traditional base, Jay takes flutes and drums that are perfectly hand-tuned (I own one of his flutes and can attest to the quality) and uses them as tools to take your mind on a journey like no other. Kruse is a virtual master of wind and drum - a teacher, a performer and a revolutionary in his art. Take the time to treat yourself to the medicinal melodies of anything of Jay’s you can get ahold of...”
Alex Kaye
Business Owner, Alaska
Get the most out of your Yoga Practice...Discover a new depth to your workout!
Try this unique new soundtrack with your headphones, your stereo or right on your computer. Enjoy the benefits alone or with those you practice yoga with!
What do you get with your purchase?
1. You get two different mixes of Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1
The first is the original ‘headphone mix’ that sounds fantastic with everything from standard headphones to high-end ‘cans’ to ear-buds!
The second is the ‘studio mix’ and it’s more suited to playing on stereo equipment for a larger space. This was mixed separately to provide better sound for use in a class setting...
2. You get each of the six audios as a separate track
Having each section individually allows you choices in customizing your practice. If there are pieces you prefer then you will have the freedom to rearrange them to your liking. This also makes it easy to select certain audios for meditation.
3. You get these four and a half hours of music immediately downloaded to your computer
As part of my efforts to ‘GO GREEN’ and reduce my personal carbon footprint, I have gradually shifted my work into the digital realm. Aside from unnecessary use of paper and plastics, this format offers you the convenience of instantly downloading this music straight to your computer and iPod/mp3 player. And, it just so happens that Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1 is too big to even fit on a CD..!
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Sacred Yoga Music!
There is simply no risk - these audio tracks, and this technology, are delivering fantastic results. They have never been offered in a format that combines this ‘sonic science’ with traditional hand-made instruments and the convenience of instant digital downloading.
I am so convinced that you will absolutely love this music that I offer a ‘no-questions-asked, iron-clad 60-day guarantee. Try Jay Kruse’s Sacred Yoga Music, Vol.1 at no risk.
Jay Kruse
PS - No effort - No risk: Just push ‘play’, begin your practice and let this music guide you to a new focus and deeper experience. If, at any time in the first 60 days after your purchase, you don’t agree that this is a welcome addition to your yoga routine, I will immediately refund your money.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Sacred Yoga Music!
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.
Please note: This is a digital product and NOT a physical disc. It is designed to immediately download to your computer.

Jay Kruse specializes in a wide variety of mystical music that ranges from trance, meditation and dance to songs that are engineered to produce precise and positive responses in the listener’s physiology. Having been an ashtanga yoga teacher, he has married his love of ancient mystical music and his love of the yoga practice. His intimacy with the process has birthed Sacred Yoga Music Vol. 1, his first of a full series that will assist yogis and yoga students intensify their yoga experience.
He also markets products that have been proven to enhance the body’s renewal system and support optimal health by taking advantage of the latest breakthroughs in ‘stem cell nutrition.’
Jay has taken his years of experience in music, holistic studies and marketing and built this new platform to share his discoveries and creations. He is passionate about exposing other creative individuals to the tools and techniques that other industries have used to create prosperous livelihoods.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Sacred Yoga Music!