Just Released for 2009!
"Are You Stressed out? Overweight? Sick of Being Tired, Frustrated and Overwhelmed With Life?"
Stop Letting Stress Rule Your Life, Body And Emotions! This E-Book Reveals Everything You Need To Know. Finally, Learn How To Release All of Your Inner Stress And Lose Weight At The Same Time! Guaranteed!
Tampa, FL
2:47 pm, Monday Afternoon
Dear Friend:
Millions of Americans are suffering from an overload of stress. If you’re one of them, listen up; there is a way out – a way to escape for a few moments every day. A way to heal your
mind and strengthen your body allowing the pressures of the world to melt away and for you to finally be in control.
How? With a combined strategy of yoga stretches and focused meditation.
When you practice the ancient arts of yoga and meditation you will literally feel the stress fall off you as you bring your emotional well-being into balance and keep your body fit at the same time!
I myself have been doing yoga for 3 years now, but it wasn't easy for me when I first started! I mean, information on this is pretty hard to come across. Especially the kind of information I wanted to know more about. To be quite honest with you, I got tired of looking and searching all over the place, so I decided to create the definitive book on yoga!
This Is Not Like Any Other Book or Guide
On Yoga You Can Find In Any Store..
...On the internet, or even at your local library for that matter!
This book covers everything there is to know about yoga. It's like having your very own Yoga expert that you can reference and ask questions anytime that you need to!
With the Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation, you'll uncover a wide array of tips, including interesting facts that made them what they are today!
Yoga has natural healing properties that can alleviate the symptoms of most common ailments from the common cold to back aches.
Experts all over the world agree that yoga helps calm the body and mind leading to a sense of wellness that cannot be achieved through conventional exercise programs.
This is a concept that has been around, literally, for hundreds of years. Yoga and meditation has been used for relaxation and fitness by all sort of people from all walks of life. Consider these quotes:
* Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.~ B.K.S. Iyengar
* Sun salutations can energize and warm you, even on the darkest, coldest winter day. ~ Carol Krucoff
* When the breath wanders the mind also is unsteady. But
when the breath is calmed the mind too will be still, and the yogi achieves long life. Therefore, one should learn to control the breath. ~ Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika
* Yoga is the practice of quieting the mind. ~ Patanjali, translated from Sanskrit
* Yoga has a sly, clever way of short-circuiting the mental patterns that cause anxiety.~ Baxter Bell, quoted in "Worry Thwarts," Yoga Journal, March 2006
Ultimate Guide To Yoga & Meditation
Click Here To Read Full Story!
You could join a class and practice yoga with a group of people, but in today’s busy world, that’s probably not the most attractive choice. Why not carve out a few moments in your own home and take up yoga for yourself. Feel its restorative effects almost immediately – anywhere!
Order your copy of “Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation” and learn the basics of yoga and meditation at a fraction of the cost you would spend to join a class. Best of all, you can practice yoga anywhere you want!
This valuable e-book will teach you about the different styles of yoga and meditation and guide you step-by-step in beginning your own yoga program without the hassle of driving to a gym or wellness center to take classes.
Here's Just a "Sneak-Peak" At What You'll Uncover With the Ultimate Guide to Yoga & Meditation
*The most common misconception people have about Yoga and why it is completely wrong. (Hint: There’s a 99% chance you are guilty of this one)
*Inside view at all the different types of yoga equipment, why YOU need them and where to purchase them at rock-bottom prices!
*The #1 secret to mastering the art of Yoga. (You can read one million books about yoga but failing to follow this one rule guarantees failure)
*How the power of yoga can help any nicotine addict quit smoking almost overnight. (If you smoke or know someone who does, then this section will be a real eye-opener)
*The secret to using yoga to safely cure any type of pain. (You can stop using hazardous and toxic medication to mask your pain, now you can cure it naturally.)
*How Yoga an easily give you the stress free life you always wanted in just a matter of days, not weeks.
*Learn about the 7 different types of Yoga. (You’ll discover what each Yoga type consists of so you can choose the one that’s right for you).
*Find out how Yoga can significantly reduce stress eight times faster than any other method in the world!
*The two critical components every serious Yoga student should know about but probably don’t. (Hint: it is not what you think).
*The reason why Yoga can help anyone lose up to 30 pounds of fat faster and more effectively than even the most sweat inducing excise program.
*The FOUR questions you must absolutely answer before starting any Yoga program. (It is crucial to know answer these before starting to ensure success).
Plus... You'll Also Learn Things Like:
*Discover some of the most the vital factors to consider when choosing a Yoga instructor. (If your instructor does any of these 4 things… you need to fire him!)
*Discover how Yoga quickly strengthens your immune system (This is the easiest way to turn your precious body into a disease fighting machine)
*Learn how cure any depression using proven Yoga techniques that work every time regardless of your age or gender.
*How Yoga can produce unlimited happiness and give your life a whole new sense of well being that you’ve never experience before.
*Real people get real results: Learn how John Spanek used Yoga to reduce his diabetes dramatically (enough to cut down his insulin shots by 50%)
*How to rid yourself of tension headaches and even menstrual cramps with Yoga.
*How to take Yoga with you anywhere (even while your at work!)
*Plus much MUCH More!
Ultimate Guide To Yoga & Meditation
Click Here To Read Full Story!
“Not ever having practiced yoga before, I really was not sure what to expect. I am left with a sense of peace and relaxation that I did not think was possible in my busy life. I also have been given tools that will allow me to reach that level anywhere.
~ Miriam W., IL
“Through yoga, I have reached a significant breakthrough in my life.
It wasn’t what I was expecting, not what I was looking for. For this I
will be forever grateful and will be motivated to continue.”
~ Michael M., CA
This ebook is filled with techniques that you can carry with you into all facets of your life. Whether standing in line at the bank or sitting in your car during rush hour traffic, you will learn breathing and stretching techniques that will relax you even in the most stressful of life's situations.
“Finding yoga, my life and my breath have really opened up into so many
wonderful experiences. My most significant relationships have healed,
blossomed, and strengthened, many doors have opened to me and most
precious of all, even brought new life into my marriage. Yoga has supported me through many challenges and has taught me to find peace, balance, and strength from within.”
~ Elizabeth C., NM
One great thing about this book is that you won’t have to wait for the mailman to deliver it to your door! It will come directly to your inbox - even if it's 3am in the morning! Then you can read it when it’s convenient for YOU!
This new breakthrough ebook is a guide resulting from years of searching, studying, and scouring hundreds of websites, stores, and magazines. And this isn't one of those "Latin" books where you don't understand what's being said. Everything is in plain English, so you can put the Latin book away :) This easy to read yoga guide is completely comprehendible and won't take weeks to read.
This truly is a one-of-a-kind book that can not be found anywhere else.
I urge you to click the link below and place your secure order...
"Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation" normally sells for $47, but as part of my "Finally getting this on the internet" sale, I'm willing to give you an instant $20 rebate..
So, you can get your own copy of my "Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation" for only $27
But don't worry, you're purchase is not only safe, it's guaranteed to make your day.. If it doesn't, that's ok! Check out my "unheard" of money back guarantee deal..
60 Day Money Back Guarantee!
If after trying out the Ultimate Guide to Yoga & Meditation you decide it's not for you, I'll Personally Buy My Book Back From You & Give You A 100%, No-Hassle Refund!
('And you can even keep the book for free as a thank you for trying it out!')
It sure would be great if everything came with a guarantee like this one, right? So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and click the "Order Now!" button below to start reading your new Yoga book! There’s no risk, so what do you have to lose? Absolutely nothing! What do you have to gain? Peace of mind, less stress in your life, relaxation and healing through simple stretching, and so much more!
Ultimate Guide To Yoga & Meditation
Click Here To Read Full Story!
Order now and get these amazing bonuses for FREE!
But Hurry - Only 109 76 27 Bonus Packages left!
Get Your Freebies!
*Discover the stages of the mind.
*Learn the benefits of meditation.
*Find out exactly what meditation will do for you.
*Discover the different types of meditation.
*Learn how sleep plays a role.
*Discover what happens during meditation.
* Learn how to figure out your calorie intake.
* Find out what foods to avoid to speed up your weight loss.
* How to make time for exercise.
* Learn what drinks will increase your metabolism.
* Discover how to change your mindset and finally lose that stubborn weight for good.
Click today and order “Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation” today. You won’t be sorry! Here’s to your new journey to inner peace!
With warmest regards,
Leah W.
P.S. Remember, you have ZERO risk. I'm so convinced that you'll be amazed at all of the information I've squeezed into “Ultimate Guide to Yoga and Meditation” that I'm giving you 2 months RISK FREE! Don't wait - Order today and save!
P.P.S. After this marketing test, I will be raising the price back up to the original $47 price. Advertising online can get very expensive, and I'm not even sure if I can keep this offer up much longer! If you're serious about yoga, Order Today!
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