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"How to free yourself from stress in this high powered turbo charged double espresso lifestyle we all seem to lead, with what seems like no time to relax”
Dear fellow relaxer,
In today’s world it can seem that we never stop with the constant demands on our time from work, family, friends and co-workers…not to mention all the people we interact with on a daily basis, some good and some who add to our stress levels!
And it’s not just ourselves who are affected… do any of your family, loved ones or friends suffer from any of the following symptoms?
Stress - Back Pain - PMT - Worry - Phobias - Grief - Insomnia - Migraines - Tension - Sciatica Pain - Lack of Confidence - Emotional Trauma - Anxiety- Arthritis - Rheumatism.
If so, how much is a Healthy Lifestyle worth to you, and what can you do to cut out the causes of there symptoms?
Holistic Healing for the Mind Body and Spirit.
I would like to tell you about this wonderful ‘Hands-on-Healing’ called ‘Reiki’. The Reiki journey is a wonderful one; you or I cannot predict the full effects. However it can….
Relax your mind: Reduces stress and Tension.
Energize your body: You can tackle things you have put to one side.
Invigorate your soul: You feel light and free.
Kick-start your :
Imagination: Helps you realize - you can do anything.
What is Reiki?
‘Reiki’ (ray - key) is a Japanese word meaning ‘Universal Life Energy’ The energy found in all things.
‘The Usui System’ of Reiki Healing applies this energy through gentle touch, for the purpose of healing.
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A personal tool for healing and growth, and a way to give healing to Family, Friends, and Animals.
Although Reiki may have its roots in Eastern Spiritual wisdom or insight,
Reiki is not a Religion.
Do you find what you have heard or read about Reiki a little confusing?
I will reveal in a practical; straight-forward no-nonsense way, all about Reiki.
Reiki is the most powerful ‘Healing energy you could learn - no Pills or Potions- You are channeling a wonderful Energy.
No special skills or previous experience are needed to become a Reiki Practitioner.
There is no belief system attached to Reiki, so anyone can receive or learn to give a Reiki treatment. The only prerequisite is the desire to be healed, or to heal.
My experience as a Reiki Master/Teacher working with many different people and animals, with an assortment of different ailments, qualifies me to help you on the start of your wonderful ‘Reiki Journey’
I will tell you what you really need to know about Reiki, in a clear and understandable way so you can fully understand how Reiki can help you
All about Reiki energy. The healing energy that is transferred to you from your Reiki Master.
How to find a Reiki Master. I will reveal to you the resources I have used so you don’t get mislead by people who do not understand the true meaning of Reiki.
Why you need a Reiki Master. The transference of divine knowledge is not to do with intellect; it is to do with communicating one-to-one. ‘Therefore Physical Presence is Necessary’
What to look for in a Reiki Master. Dedication and Love of Reiki with a heartfelt desire to pass on the Reiki Knowledge.
What to expect when you have a Reiki Healing.
The normal reaction to a Reiki treatment is one of profound relaxation, and lessening of tension (Less Stress!)
I know how confusing Reiki can be to someone who is just learning about it, or even people who have a little Reiki knowledge.
I am a long term, fully Qualified Reiki Master/Teacher, and even I am getting a bit confused with all the ‘Downloads’ and ‘Add-on’s people are talking and writing about.
The ‘Basic Reiki’ of ‘Dr Mikao Usui’ needs, at all times to be the cornerstone of your Reiki Practice.
Now I know you’re probably a bit skeptical: Let me give you three good reasons to put your mind at ease.
Reason one: Reiki is one of the oldest Healing Practices in the world. It is thousands of years old and has been practiced by many cultures over the years with proven results.
Reason two: Reiki is respected as a ’Complimentary Healing Therapy’ world wide. There are thousands of practitioners all over the Eastern and Western world.
Reason three: Reiki does not require years of study. Reiki is passed to you in a simple ceremony - from Master to Pupil. Then you learn to put it into action. You benefit from the Reiki power for self-healing, and you can then use it to help others.
This wonderful healing is suitable for everyone:
Reiki can,
Reduce stress and tension. Reiki relaxes your whole body, so all your muscles unwind.
Boost the immune system. Reiki integrates with your immune system so the healing is taken to another level.
Reiki Bullet Image 2 Reduce pain. Reiki, whilst relaxing you helps your pain tolerance, so your pain reduces.
Aids with emotional problems. Helps clear the mind: mind relaxes - helps you think things through. Gives you a different take on what you are worrying about.
Helps with depression. Complete relaxation relaxes the mind and boosts the immune system - which helps lift depression.
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Assists with the management of Chronic Conditions. The person who is ill worry’s about the illness and thus a catch 22 situation arises- worry - uptight - pain, both physical and mental.
Relaxes body and mind - a relaxed mind helps to ease the worry: everything relaxes, more comfort for the person with the Chronic Condition. You feel stronger and more positive.
Whatever is wrong - complete relaxation helps with sleeping. And while we relax/sleep our own immune system gets into a higher gear - that truly is one of the wonderful benefits of Reiki;
A Good Nights Sleep
We all know how well we feel after a good nights sleep, and how we feel drained if we have a broken night, for whatever reason. Make that a thing of the past with Reiki.
Reiki works on its own, or as a complementary supplement to other therapeutic or medical treatments and techniques, to aid recovery and relieve side effects.
Reiki is a holistic healing approach, gently bringing you towards total health of Mind, Body and Spirit. It works by harmonizing the mind and emotions and accelerating the healing in the physical body.
Through its balancing and strengthening powers Reiki promotes the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It can also increase the intuitive creative abilities.
I Will Walk you Through All You Need To Know To Use This Powerful Healing Energy.
Why you need a Master to ‘Attune You’ It is a ceremony that requires ‘Presence’ Face-to-Face.
What ‘Attunement ‘is. The Attunement sets up an energetic channel in the student, through which the Reiki energy can flow.
What happens after ‘Attunement’. As soon as students received their Attunement they are able to access and use Reiki healing energy for themselves.
What basic equipment you might need, and where to find it.
Books to help you on your Reiki Journey.
And it’s not only us humans who can benefit from using Reiki techniques, I will also reveal to you helpful techniques using Reiki for:
Animals - Big and Small: Animals love and respond wonderfully to Reiki. You will be surprised at how pets and larger animals react (who can have no expectations one way or another whether a particular treatment will work) and how they look forward to there ‘Reiki Treatments’ I have found animals love Reiki as much as there owners.
Plants - Helps them thrive and helps to keep there roots strong.
Food - To clean any negativity; There are a lot of people handling foodstuffs. Whether fresh, frozen or canned. Any negativity can be cleared with the use of Reiki.
Water - Water responds wonderfully to Reiki vibrations - ‘Dr Masaru Emoto’ has taken many photos with astounding results, showing the difference in the crystallization of water after Reiki healing energy has been channeled.
Crystals - Crystals can be cleaned and filled with the Reiki Energy; Hold crystals under cold running water, place them in the sun, or on a windowsill to dry naturally. Then hold your hands above them and call in the Reiki energy to cleanse and fill them with Healing Energy.
Discover all this and more in my brand new book The Simplicity of Reiki
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The ‘Simplicity of Reiki’ is a digital ebook which does all it promises-and more. You won’t find anything quite like it at the price, anywhere. The demand for Reiki is huge so I urge you to grasp this opportunity now.
I know there is a lot of confusion surrounding Reiki. I want to give you 6 criteria or elements you absolutely, positively, must have in any solution you obtain:
Peace of Mind.
Learning at you own pace. With help and support.
Reiki Master you Respect. One who answers your questions with honesty: and will help as long as you need it. The learning of Reiki should never be rushed.
Reiki Master who talks about Reiki with great love, respect, and awe, for the wonderful Healing Energy Reiki.
Master who insists on ‘One-to-One Attunements.’ As the Attunement sets up the energetic channel through which the Reiki energy can flow. Therefore One-to-One presence is required.
Master who gives you ‘Confidence in your Healing Abilities’ Talk and chat with him/her and notice how positive and knowledgeable they are about Reiki.
I would like to share with you some comments I have received from clients and friends.
reiki testimonials
A Letter I received from Anthony.
"Dear Margaret.
It was great to see you at the weekend , isn’t it nice to get away!! I thought I had better write to you as I was totally gob-smacked by the Reiki session you did with the dog on Saturday!! I was sooo stressed out and the Reiki you gave me had me totally relaxed in 5 minutes! Also I was able to get a full nights sleep and have had no more scary nightmares!! lol.
What really impressed me, and the reason I am writing this letter, is when you gave the dog Reiki!!! I have never seen anything like it Ever!! As a spiritual person I am always keen to look at healing and mediumship, but always approach it sceptically, suppose its the Catholic up-bringing, am always looking for reasons to prove it wrong!!
Healing, and Reiki in particular I have always thought had as much to do with ‘suggestion’ as it does actual physical healing. You amazed me… you got hold of Jasper who was unwell for so long and hyper because he was stressing bless him, and hey presto within minutes he was as chilled as me!!
This is definitely one for all the skeptics out there!! We can suggest to human beings and alter things through suggestion, but you can’t fool an animal!! He didn’t know what you were doing!! Really am soooo taken aback! You should take this to the masses and perhaps even team up with a veterinary surgery as many lovely dogs like Jasper could really benefit!!
Anyhow, that’s all from me just needed to highlight that!!
Take the best of care
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Anthony Miller."
Anthony loves his explanation marks; I have reproduced it exactly as he wrote it. His letter made me smile.
reiki testimonial
Madge lost her husband a few years ago and had a course of Reiki with me.
"I would recommend Reiki Healing to anyone feeling low, on edge, or feeling down, I’ve had quite a few Reiki healings in the past, they helped me very much. A few weeks ago I felt low and weepy, I rang Margaret and she saw me right away.
I arrived home feeling very relaxed as if everything had been lifted from me. Reiki lifts my hopes and spirits and gives me strength to go forward. I picked an Angel Card and it was ‘Miracle’ the words were so true concerning the things that have happened to me. It was a wonderful feeling-I would go to Margaret again for a Reiki session if and when I need a good Pick-me Up."
Mrs Madge Wildman. Nuneaton Warwickshire.
I offer all my clients an ‘Angel Card’ reading after their Reiki session and they all love it: The pack I use is ‘Healing with Angels’ oracle cards by ‘Doreen Virtue. P.H.D.’ They also have the most incredible pictures.
reiki testimonial
This letter from Margaret who had a very serious illness and had long-time Reiki healing.
“A friend of mine had some Reiki treatments from Margaret; she said she felt much better for them. As I had been going through a bad patch, I thought I would try it . I had quite a few months of treatment from her. I found her very approachable, friendly and professional. I felt completely at ease while the Reiki treatments were carried out, and it has done me a lot of good”
Mrs Margaret Eade. Bulkington Warwickshire.
reiki testimonial
This next letter is from a wonderful neighbour and friend Olive.
"When Margaret started her study of Reiki Healing she asked if I would be one of her ‘guinea pigs’ and help her practice the Reiki Techniques.
Before she began she explained to me in simple words what exactly Reiki was and how it concentrated the Reiki life force and allowed it to flow into the body of the recipient, energizing the recipients own healing and life-force energy’s. This was all new to me but Margaret’s sincerity encouraged me to concentrate on the flow of energy between us when I had a Reiki treatment. I am now a firm believer in the process and call Margaret for a ‘Reiki Healing’ session when my arthritis and migraine appear. There is always a positive result from the process and my own energy responds automatically to Margaret’s flow of healing which feels warm and makes me feel secure in that it strengthens my own healing and life force”
Love Olive.
Bulkington Nuneaton.
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One on One Help and Support.
When you invest in ‘The Simplicity of Reiki’ you will receive my personal email address and a special password (so I know it is a genuine Reiki enquiry) I will answer your questions with honesty, and help in any way that I can. I usually reply within 48 hours and often sooner.
Simplicity Of Reiki Guarantee
When you invest in ‘The Simplicity of Reiki’ I want you to use and put into practice the things I tell you in the book for a full 60 days. And if you feel that it doesn’t deliver all that I promised and more: then simply contact me for a full money back refund, no questions asked.
Order today and receive these three exclusive gifts from me…
Gift 1. List of inspiring Reiki Websites. You can browse some wonderful articles on Reiki from some very spiritual people.
Gift 2. List of wonderful spiritual books, and where to buy them at a great price.
Gift 3. Website that will give you an Angel Card Reading, and Atlantis Card Reading, every day for free, and has lots more content you will love.
Purchase ‘The Simplicity of Reiki’ and travel on this wonderful life-changing journey with me. I would be honoured to accompany you.
Order your copy now: If you respond right away you pay only $18.99. You could easily pay anywhere from $29.99 for a simple book that doesn’t cover half as much as I do, right up thousands of pounds/dollars from someone with experience of helping others and makes their money from selling course’s.. not practicing Reiki and helping others.
With ‘The Simplicity of Reiki’ you get real life experience and successes in helping others become who they want to be and live the life they desire….Stress Free.
It’s real easy to get started:
Download Simplicity Of Reiki
Here’s How to Order Right Now.
Click Below For an instant download: You will be reading;
‘The Simplicity of Reiki’
In a matter of minutes. You will have Instant Access.
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Once your Credit Card is approved,(your order is handled by a secure server) you will be taken to a special download page where you will download everything, along with your Free Bonuses.
It doesn’t matter if it’s 2am
You will be downloading information within just a few minutes. The information will introduce you to Reiki - one of the most ‘Respected Complimentary Healing Therapy’s Worldwide’ and is the ultimate
“Stress Buster”
Remember, what I’m offering you is the easiest - Risk Free way that you can judge for yourself how this wonderful Healing Energy ‘Reiki’ can change and improve your life. Your life can only change for the better: Reiki will help you achieve what we all want.
A Stress free Healthier Lifestyle.
Order now and I look forward to hearing from you and helping you very soon.
Love and Light.
PS. Don’t forget the three reasons to believe what I say.
Reason 1. Reiki is one of the oldest ’Healing Practices in the World’
Reason 2. Reiki is respected as a ‘Complimentary Healing Therapy’ Worldwide.
Reason 3. Reiki does not require years of study.
I personally guarantee that if you invest in ‘The Simplicity of Reiki’ and if you honestly believe I haven’t delivered on my promise to help you understand, and set you on the right road to a wonderful future with Reiki let me know and I’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund.
Contact: Copyright 2008 All Rights Reserved
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